martes, 19 de agosto de 2008

Yeeeeaahh Boooyy!

asii es
hooi empieza la nueva temporada de Flavor of Love aki en México
i io como verdadera fans seguidora i demás de estos programas de "vida real" pues ahi stare puntuaal
uuuy si son re entretenidooss puras risas
me emocioonaa ajuuuuuuuuua
asi que ps kien kiera akompañarme la cita es today martes a las 22 horas México
echen los comments i a ver k pedo kn el Flavoor flaaaaaaaav

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

ayer mi cumple y hoy felicidad:D (placeboeffect)

ayer m felicite
i m felicitaron

también hoi
m entereee d algo uuyy re niceeee
ps asi sta la cosa
como buena fans dee PLACEBO ps asi ya hay buenas muy buenas nuevaassss
yaa tiene nuevo bataako i asi pff papiiuurr ea ea
a ver k pedo
espero sigan haciendo buen material estos vatos y haciendo k sienta un effecto como el k siempre siento kuando los skuchoo
el Placebo effect...

aki les dejo la nota
queridos amantes de mi i de placeeboo ajuuuuuua!

Good news friends - Placebo are back in the studio working on a new album! The band finished the last touring campaign in September of last year in the USA (on the Projekt Revolution tour with Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance) and since then took some much needed time out, and over the past couple of months have been hard at work writing and demoing the new material in London. The boys are now recording with producer David Bottrill (the man behind Tool's 'Aenima', 'Salival' and 'Lateralus' albums, Silverchair's 'Diorama' and dEUS 'The Ideal Crash'). Engineering the album is James Brown who worked with the band on 'Meds'.
……….And on the drums with Placebo……..?????!!!!! Introducing.…..Mr Steve Forrest! From Modesto, California. Previously the drummer with the American rock band, 'Evaline'. Some of you may have spotted Steve playing with Evaline supporting Placebo on their US tour in October 07.

que tal el papiuuurr grr..


miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008

